Family Day at Queen of Peace Priory

Family Day

Saturday 9th November 2024 at Queen of Peace Monastery
1021 Cloudburst Crescent Upper Squamish, BC, V0N 1T0.

Our topic for study and discussion will be the Master of the Order's letter on: Eucharist, Source and Paradigm of Synodality.
Click here to view or download it.

We will then have some discussion questions, prepared for us by the nuns. Click here to view or download them. Please take some time to reflect on them before we meet on Saturday.

10:00 to 10:30 Arrivals, Welcome
10:45 Mass
14:30 Departure

For the potluck lunch please click this link here and add your name and what food you will be bringing.

For the car pooling to Queen of Peace Monastery we have an online tool. Please click this link to access it.


If you are a driver please click the blue 'ADD' car symbol in the top left corner and add your details. For the 'City' you could put where you will be picking up from if that's already been decided. For the number of seats that should not include your own. So for example, if you have room for three passengers plus yourself as the driver, then select '3'. If you as a driver already know who your passengers are then please add them to your car by clicking 'JOIN'. If you see a passenger in the waitlist that you think you might be able to pick up then please contact them by email or phone and arrange that.


If you need a lift and don't have one yet then either click 'JOIN' on a suitable car on the left and then email or phone the driver, or else click 'Join Waitlist' on the right side and add your details. Once you have a lift then click 'Join' on the car you've joined with and enter your details, then select yourself in the Waitlist and click 'delete'.

What to bring

1. A cup for drinks.
2. A copy of the study document described above.
3. Food for the potluck.
4. Dominican love and joy.

Mysteria Lucis